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A member registered Oct 13, 2018

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Wow, seriously, oh my gosh, that was absolutely fantastic! Thank you for this gem!!! You're incredibly talented :)  

Starting off, I was really impressed with quality of voice acting, art, and music. The lake's mysterious vibe definitely drew me in right off the bat. 

I played Bemelle's story, then Margret's, then The Guide's, and finally Lu's. Frankly, I was a little disappointed by the Guide's storyline because I thought it would reveal the origin of the lake and some kind of disturbing backstory, and while it did reveal his "origin story," it didn't add as much depth to what the reader already knew from the beginning. At this point, I came to the conclusion that there must not have been any backstory beyond evil monsters killing people for fun and I was debating whether or not I should play Lu's route 'cuz I thought I had seen most of the dialogue and it was getting repetitive. 

Let me say that romancing Lu and getting to see his true ending was the BEST DECISION I'VE EVER MADE ;____;

READERS, if you HAVEN'T seen Lu's true ending, YOU NEED TO SEE IT!!! My heart asdfgshjdggkl T___T Find yoself a man who looks at you the way Lu looks at Kikka. But play it last, because his route reveals the lake's backstory - SUPER, SUPER INTERESTING STUFF. Plus, you probably won't want to romance anyone after Lu because he's definitely best husband. 

The bonus scenes made me laugh so hard, thank you so much for those! You have a lovely writing style and an incredible sense of humor. 

Overall, I enjoyed the story very much, particularly Lu's route. I hope you keep creating awesome content! Thank you so much for the thrill <3